Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ageism and how it has affected you

Ageism effects the old and young, it even played a big part in the 2008 presidential election with John McCain. Most people have already experienced ageism or are going to eventually experience it. I would like to know/think about how it has already effected you or how you think i could effect you in the future. I think its important for everyone to acknowledge the fact that ageism exist and effects almost everyone in at least one part or their life.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yes, it's sad, but it's something that affects us or someone we know.

  3. Ageism works for young people too. I have to admit that I hate little brats in long flights, but that's just a temporary feeling in a specific environment, because otherwise I love kids.

  4. attitudes towards age seem to change with our own age, when I was 18 i looked at 16 year olds as being immature and annoying and now i am 25 people bellow 20 seem to be immature and annoying, it's easy to forget we were once young and will one day be old

  5. I've never heard of ageism before, interesting.

  6. Definitely experienced it in my younger days.

  7. Any form of discrimination sucks. But the wheel is in perpetual motion, and everyone, sooner or later gets the dose of the same medicine.

  8. Hmm, interesting read here.

  9. I think there are too less people who care about that. There should be more discussions about that issue. Very interesting!

  10. I honestly do not believe it is that big of an issue, at least in the sense that affects me on a daily basis.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. How did i never hear about this? o-O

  13. Main example I would think would be people not thinking someone could do something in terms of jobwise due to their age.

  14. Interesting. I like the Ageism concept.

  15. I'm ageist when it comes to dating, not because I don't like people older or younger than me, its just that we can't relate to each other on certain terms so it tends to become a problem. A superficial example would be TV shows.
